Tuesday 29 April 2014

Tony Moly // Style over Substance?

A few weeks ago it was my 21st birthday so in the run up to that big day I was browsing the Internet trying to find what I wanted to receive as a reward for being alive for another year and then I came across this...

Tony Moly is a brand I hadn't heard of before however, as these products are based around cats it isn't a surprise that it came to my knowledge through a popular hipster post on Tumblr.

As soon as I saw it I knew I just had to have it, whether the actual product itself was of decent quality or not. 

Tony Moly is a major brand in the Korean beauty industry and has a wide variety of products, a lot with cute packaging and design like these cat products. I've yet to test it out as, although the order for these items was placed around 4 weeks ago, they only arrived a few days ago so that's something to keep in mind if you're planning on ordering anything from this brand for a special event or occasion.

Along with the order, I also received a free gift.

Although the English translation on the front of the packet leaves something to be desired, you can never be displeased with receiving a little surprise gift for free!

I'm looking forward to seeing if the products stand up to their great aesthetics. I'm hoping it's not a case of style over substance, but even if it is, they're items that'll look great to display with your other beauty products and will no doubt cause envy amongst your friends.

Have you ever tried anything from Tony Moly? What do you think of the brand?